Balloon Shape Mini Album

 Hi, I am here with my new project which is a balloon shaped mini album. The inspiration for this album is from the balloon printed papers in the paper collection which I have used. I had only few scraps and most of them were balloon papers, hence the album. The album is perfect to hold 3" x 4" and 2" x 3" photos.

It is a quick project. And we only need 3 pieces of cardstock 12" x 12" and few scrap pieces of pattern paper. It is perfect way to use your scraps. 

Here is the image of the cover, I have used some stickers along with the cut apart

I have around six pages(2 sided) including the cover.

On the first page, I have waterfall with 3 pages and made this clip embellishment using pattern paper, which is holding these waterfall pages,  and on the right I have layered few stickers to hold a 3"x 4" photo mat.

This is the second page. Here we have area for 3"x4" photos and belly band which is holding two photo mats.

  Here, I have created a tuck spot using the cut apart which is holding few photo mats and journaling card, and to the right we have pocket made using pattern paper and few stickers on the top to hold 2 photo mats of 3x4 inches and 2x3 inches.

On this page I have made belly band using envelope. there are opportunities for 2x3 inch photos and to the right I have created a layout where we can paste 2x3 inch photos.

And finally on this page, I have pocket holding a photo mat and journaling tag to the left and to the right, I have sticker holding two photo mats and paper clip embellishments.

I really had fun making this album. I hope you will also like this project and get inspired to make one for yourself. Complete walkthrough of the album can be found on my YouTube channel. If you wish to make the similar album you can download the cutting guide by clicking the download button and follow along with me in tutorial video which I will be posting on my YouTube channel. 

Thanks for stopping by!!
Have a wonderful day.

Balloon Shape Mini Album  Walkthrough
Balloon Shape Cutting Guide Download



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